Thriving during Postpartum

Pregnancy, Postpartum and Breastfeeding are the most nutritionally expensive times of a woman's life. Being depleted postnal-y is common but it is not normal.

You don’t have to feel drained and it is so important to replenish, rebuild and recover. And guess what? There is a lot you can do from a nutrition and lifestyle stand point to change how you’re feeling. This is not a luxury to look after yourselves at this pivotal time of your life.

Why is it important to replenish your reserves pospartum?

  • Support healing tissues from either vaginal birth or C-section - You can go through a lot during pregnancy, growing another human does take resources. This is why we would always suggest to prepare our body at least 3 months (more if we can) before trying to conceive (TTC) so that we can build up our nutrient stored which the baby is going to depend on. Labour can be so individual, it will depend on how pregnancy went but also whether or not delivery was straight forward or not. And even if it is a straight delivery it would be putting a strain on the body so healing the tissues is really important. Would you run a marathon and not look after your strained tissues?

  • Support energy increase - You have just run a marathon don’t forget, labour and delivering a baby takes that much energy so you will be in need to rebuild your energy. While sciences only has studies on breastfeeding mothers and they incremental 500 calories need, it is not to say that other mothers do not have an increased energy requirement. Being there for another little human almost around the clock does take its toll. This is why nourishing your body with nutrient dense foods is really important.

  • Support breast milk supply - Breast milk is sometimes called superfood as it is so nutrient dense for the baby but this means that mums need to also eat a wholesome nutritious diet to be able to have a good flow, nutrient dense milk. Hydration is also really important so drinking enough fluid is critical (look at going to the toilet at least 5 times a day and having light yellow wees to ensure optimal hydration)

  • Boost mood - There is a lot you can do and control from a nutrition but also lifestyle stand point to support your mental health. Eating enough fiber, protein and healthy will support blood sugar regulation which is important to avoid the “hangry feeling” and having energy crash through the day. Another way to boost your mood is to go out for a slow walk in nature or even sit outside first thing in the morning to get some early daylight. Being in nature will make you feel good and the daylight will help regulate your circadian rhythm which will have an impact on your sleep quality and in turn on your mood and mental health.

  • Regulate sluggish digestion and thyroid - Digestion can be impacted after birth for various reasons and mainly by hormonal fluctuation and also by lack of nutrient dense foods. Incrementally re-introducing fiber to your diet will help with a sluggish gut: you can aim at 30gr per day (go slow and low first). Fiber rich foods are things like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, wholegrains, legumes, spices, herbs. As your digestion might be slower, I would recommend to have only cooked vegetables first to give your digestion some help. Thyroid function can also be sluggish postpartum so giving your thyroid some attention and love the few months postnatally is key. There are plenty of nutrition and lifestyles habits that can help with thyroid health: adding seafood, Brazil nuts, seaweeds as they contain iodine and selenium which are important for thyroid hormone production.

Postpartum depletion can last for months or even years: the lack of sleep, the lack of reserves (don’t think you don’t need anything that will fill your cup), the undernourishment/malnourishment, the stress (wanting to do it all) can be detrimental to your overall health and more important to your fertility (especially important if you want to conceive again).

Don’t wait until your baby is big enough to put yourself first, do it today your future self but more importantly everybody around you (including your spouse, your children, your friends, etc) will thank you as you will be the one that show up everyday as the best version of yourself as possible.

Download my easy meals and snacks for mums that will help you replenish and contribute to great energy, resilience and healthy digestion.


Fertility Longevity